In April 2009, we sent a personal, handwritten letter to each of the 467 households in the small Irish village of Cushendall. We hoped these unsolicited letters would prompt neighbourly discussion, spreading across the town, promoting community curiosity.
The art work consists solely of the discussion between the recipients about what on Earth these letters are, who sent them and why, etc
– Lenka Clayton & Michael Crowe

I love it! Do you know any more about the project?
OOOOOO my heart just skipped a
b ea
t. . .
Extraordinary project. I wonder how it was received. And also did they prepare the letters and send them all out at once or send them out as they wrote them?
If you click on the 'Mysterious Letters' link and visit their blog they have a video at the top of that page that tells more about the project. It's definitely worth a watch.
So awesome.
There is something so magical about the mail. Most of what we receive in it these days is so boring and bill-y. I love the internet and typing and instant gratification, but when I receive a letter or a postcard, my heart really does feel happy.
I will endeavor to give this happiness to others, more often.
Thank you, LOM!
this is amazing! thank you for sharing it - these letters will be in my mind all day...
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