Thursday 14 May 2009

Harmony Day

Yesterday mid-morning I went up to the local neighbourhood house for Harmony Day. Although the official day was on March 21, for logistical reasons, we celebrated it here yesterday.

One of the highlights of the festivities was chatting to the ten Togolese new immigrants over cups of tea and scones and finding out all kinds of things. For example, in Togo, babies are named according to which day of the week they are born. Incidentally, when I was in Thailand I learnt that babies are named after the position in their family, eg one or two etc.

As new Australians entering the workforce, it was thought that the Togolese should know a little about Aussie rules football, so they would be able to participate in conversations around the water cooler. This was another highlight of the day: Listening to O talk about the clubs and what kind of person generally barracks for each one, and why they have the mascots and colours that they do.

After our guests had selected which teams they were going to barrack for henceforth, we all participated in a handballing competition. Me, the little Aussie tomboy who went to my first and only ballet class as a kid in my football gear, came last.


Liz said...

whhhhhhaaat? why don't we have harmony day in the US? we are so lame.

daylesford organics said...

Sounds like such a lovely celebration but I'm wondering why you didn't mention the jiffys. X

Meg said...

What jiffys?? Oh, you mean the ones I have buried all the way at the bottom of my subconscious like a rotting roadkill carcass at the bottom of the compost.

daylesford organics said...

Oh Mogus, you remember the jiffys you wore to my ballet class and then to your gymballet. X

WriterBee said...

Oh, Two, I would have enjoyed all that so much. It sounds beautiful.I don't remember the jiffys either. And I wonder how of the whole calendar they arbitrarily hit on March 21 as Harmony Day!

farmdoc said...

And I wonder how the Togolese came to live in your neck of the woods. And how those of them that chose not to barrack for Collingwood could be so stupid.

tealotus77 said...

Are your whole family Pies supporters? The only pie I have ever supported is a meatpie under threat of death by starvation.

Carn the Blues!