Monday 2 November 2009


Sometimes it takes a group of friends gathered to share food and light a bonfire to make an occasion.

And sometimes all it takes is a blue picnic table bought at a garage sale.


eddy carroll said...

What could be better, I cant think of a thing.

Dont you just love how those tables fold up and look like a suitcase, or a folio, imagine going to a job interview with one,
...or a date. so great.

Petrus Spronk said...

The faded blue, a piece of cloudy sky caught on your deck, reason enough to celebrate.......

Glen Dunn said...

Now there's a blast from the past. This is exactly the fold-away kit my folks had. Same color too. I remember banging my eight year-old shins while attempting to carry this 'portable' unit from the boot of our car to places like Lake Eildon et al.

WriterBee said...

I'm sorry to disagree, but mostly it just takes your presence, Meg.

Umatji said...

both look beautiful. lovely sky...