Whenever I think about collections, a line of comedian Steven Wright's comes to mind: 'You can't have everything. Where would you put it?' Which is why I just collect red things; it narrows it down some.
I have been waving my red flag high for the past ten years, during which time I have accrued a lot of great treasures. Here are some of them:
Now, I'm going to put the kettle on for a nice hot cuppa while I drop by Meet Me At Mike's to see what everyone else is collecting.

Ohhhhh yours is the best!!! *s*
i LOVE your red collection :-)
Totally awesome! I've got a bit of a blue collection going, but it's nowhere near as impressive as yours! Love it!
I too have a thing about...well red things. Tea tastes better out of a red whistling kettle
Oh I love all your red treasures! Especially the red shoes, we all should own a pair of red shoes at least once in our life - I had a pair of red jellybean shoes when I was about 11! Oh I loved them so and still think of them fondly...sigh....
Brilliant, red is my favourite as well. Your teapots and lovely. ^U^
WOWEEEE what a PERFECTLY RED colection you have TOO!!..love the RED typewriter :))
ohhh, love your collection, what great things to have around you.
you know that I'd love to have a perfect cup of tea from your fabulous red teapot...ohhh, how nice!
'Better red than dead' a wise woman once said (and made into badges). So ace to have you playing along. XX
What a cool collection! I love the red, it's fun and I especially love the tea pot in the first photo with the succulent, the colour contrast is really lovely.
WOW Oh WOW I love your collections ... beautiful and so very thoughtful! I only skimmed the surface of my collections ... isn't this fun :)
great collections of red.
WOW!! red sure does rock!!
Thank you your collection made me smile!:)
ughhh soooo coool. My favourites are the typewriter and tattoos. I see you also have red hair. I would like red hair, but I am too lazy.
I enjoy your blog.
What gorgeous photos! Really lovely. Thanks for taking the trouble to show us some of your redness! I think one of these shots is going straight to the highlights post next Saturday! I do! xx
wow! what a fantastic collection..red is such a beautiful colour! the tat's on the back of your legs (?) are great! thanks for sharing!
Silly me ... it was well into the am when I commented and I forgot to say - Red, Red, Red ... Yayyyy what great taste you have, if only you were my sister too and Thank YOU for your lovely comment ... ;) sigh
well, you do have quite alot of lovely red things, don't you.
your red collection is so hot! I just love it!
Thats great. I love the big container full of random redness...so funky.
I love it! love it love love love looooooovvve... I seriously don't even know where to start!!! Its so good. just so good.
nothing beats red since I got a pair of red shoes when I was small.
Ages ago..
lovely lovely rediness. How lucky to have two shiny red kettles on the go!
like the tattoos :-) lovely
wicked collection.
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