I was working in Melbourne when Dr Roberto Perez, the Cuban permaculturalist came to talk at our Town Hall. PJ went and frantically took notes of good ideas to implement on our own quarter acre. Of all his notes, I think the most simple and the most powerful statements are these:
Catch your own water. Grow your own food. Say hello to your neighbour.
Our water tank arriving this afternoon.
It must be fulfilling to finally have a water storage tank. How was the installation process? Anyway, what I love about water tanks is their unquestionable saving advantages. And of course, having stored water is always ideal. We never know when a drought will happen!
Those are timeless and powerful principles. Embracing self-sufficiency with a fiberglass water tank and growing your own food can make a significant impact on our lives.
Those are timeless and powerful principles. Embracing self-sufficiency with a fiberglass water tank and growing your own food can make a significant impact on our lives.
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