I’m not sure if I must establish my credentials. But if so, they’re here [1].
My best bike ride ever was in 1998 when my wife Vivienne and I rode our Cannondale tandem from the bottom of England to the top of Scotland [2]. We rode 1,891 km in a leisurely 37 days.
With atmospheric CO2 now above the nominal ‘safe’ level of 350 ppm, governments must implement policy incentives for more bicycle journeys. Many more. And disincentives for more journeys powered by the infernal combustion engine. Because bicycling will continue to be the most environmentally friendly form of transport. Apart perhaps from walking. [4]
Research shows the best indicator of the bicycle friendliness of a city, is how many women are bicycling [7].
On 13 October, which was the latest National Ride to Work Day [8], I was working in Hobart and I walked to work. Bummer.
I used to love the Tour de France. I thought the riders were superb athletes, not least because they rode up mountains faster than I could ride down them. But doping and other scandals have dampened my enthusiasm [9]. Pity.

I own three bikes. Mainly I ride the pictured Peugeot mountain bike. At present it’s out of action because riding up big hills has stretched the chain [10] which needs replacing. I have a metaphoric withdrawal tremor. I must get a new chain soon.
On 11 November the Tasmanian Tourism Minister is launching a program to attract touring cyclists to this area. There’ll be four marked themed trails spanning 250km. You’ll be able to download maps, and also over seven hours of podcasts comprising interpretation of the Great Western Tiers region [11], and local stories told by residents. If you’re riding by, I’ll make you a cuppa. (After 11 November, I’ll put a comment on today’s post linking to the maps and podcasts.)
I hope you enjoy the rest of Bike Week. Also I wish you happy pedalling, and that the wind will always be at your back and the road ahead will always be down hill.
I hope you enjoy the rest of Bike Week. Also I wish you happy pedalling, and that the wind will always be at your back and the road ahead will always be down hill.
Yay Meg's Dad guest blogger, great post!
Hope you fix your chain soon and still your metaphoric withdrawal tremor !!
great post roscoe! vive la pedal power.
in the 1980s a million bikes were bought for the cuban people by their government after the usa and the soviets saw to it that cuba wld do without oil. a second order (from china) for another million was sabotaged by the US. today cubans have one of the lowest rates of diabetes in the world, whereas we have one of the highest.
a friend of mine is setting up an up-cycling bike business using old parts as much as possible. today i gave him his first order: a reclaimed light racing frame with chunky mountain wheels and a beautiful leather saddle. shld be perfect for the daylesford hills.
Here is the link to the bicycle tours. The Great Caves Ride goes past my property. My offer of a cuppa still stands. Happy pedalling.
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