Today was the first sunny day we've had since we returned from Newcastle, and funnily enough, it was the first day since we've been home that I have felt properly grounded.
We had a pretty packed schedule for a Sunday, the majority of which was spent at a Family Fishing Festival organised by the Department of Primary Industries, at a beautiful local lake. It was a really fantastic event, which is pretty surprising considering it was a government initiative.
Highlights of the day included:
Watching Tonia Todman cook fish a dozen ways.
Laughing at Flathead Fred.
Attending a fishing workshop.
Making new friends.
Learning how to cast off.
You might think us slightly silly for our excitement every time we felt a tug on our line when we could have just grabbed a fish from the bucket and voilĂ . But really, where's the fun in that??
Hi There
I just want to say...again...I love your blog. It is beautiful.
I want to comment on the above post so badly now!!!!!
Me too, Alexi! So frustrating!
Me too! I'd love to know how many people tried just incase.
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