Tuesday 10 February 2009

Meg Meg, Meg Meg

This morning in an email from my mum about my writing she wrote:
You owe it to yourself and to others not to be swayed from your unique path by anyone else's views. It's your Megness that we hunger for from you, not anyone else's world view, however worthy.
When I was 24 I bought a one way ticket to South East Asia. I shaved my head and spent the next few years wandering and undoing and unlearning, and figuring out for myself what is important.

Now I have a family and a mortgage and I can't just up and leave on noisy days when I need to listen to the quiet.

Years ago my folks brought this stethoscope back for me from an overseas trip. Each time my sister K has been pregnant, I have heard my nieces growing under her skin. Sometimes after a big meal I like to lie on the couch and listen to my stomach play its gurgling overture. And on days like today I like to put it on my heart to hear the present tense sound out my name. 


tealotus77 said...

ah, Megness! Magic.

how loved you are.

Anonymous said...

"You owe it to yourself and to others not to be swayed from your unique path by anyone else's views."

I needed that just now.

Thank you.

Claire said...

Oh how I crave that quiet. How I am learning to write in amongst all the chaos! I have days when I just want to run away as far as I can.
How important your Mum's words are. I have all that stuff going on in my head too. Does the world actually need what I have to say? Talk about stifling thoughts. Thank you Meg's mum.