Thursday 26 February 2009

I'm Sorry, Sonja

I'm sorry Sonja Ridden, but I cannot read your book.

I really like its title: Hell...p! I'm a Stepmother, but unfortunately the appeal ends there.

Sonja works as a counsellor and psychotherapist specialising in assisting stepfamilies, she holds a Master of Counselling and is a stepmother, so she's got all the credentials, except the ability to hold my attention.

I was hoping for a personal journey story that was more philosophical, but this is more of a How To book for the lay person and includes chapters with headings such as Happiness is a Choice and It's All my Fault – important issues I'm interested in but not when they're written in such a simplistic way.

Apart from the title I liked the clarity of the writing (just not the content) and the bibliography, which I look forward to reading my way through.

As the role of stepmother is fraught with so many insecurities and doubts, I took some pleasure in making the firm decision not to read this book. It's just one book in a pile of hundreds, but one that feels good to put near the front door to return to the library in the morning and exchange for something else unknown.


Anonymous said...

If you do find anything worth reading, please, blog about it. I've put off reading books on stepparenting for a long time because I worry it will only make me think too much about something I already think too much about!

Denise said...

I'm not sure there is a good book about it. I think step-parenting is a trial and error process LOL. Poor kids get to be the guinea pigs, but we live and learn. I'm a step-parent to three great kids... lucky for me they were/are pretty young when their father and I got together. It's a learning process, and a how-to manual isn't going to cut the mustard for me.

Meg said...

Maybe one of us needs to write a book??

Part of me thinks I need to, though it would be more of a memoir as I could never write a How To book.

I'm like you Denise, so thankful Z was young when I came on the scene.

And I'm also like you Ana, I am such a self-conscious parent, over-thinking every decision - maybe that's just the plight of a stepparent??

tealotus77 said...

Over-thinking is the plight of every parent, step or no, in my opinion. But, there is something hard about making difficult parenting decisions for a child that doesn't "belong" to you in the traditional sense that gives the difficult moments of step-parenting an edge.

And, I vote yes on a memoir/chart of uncharted waters (not a how-to) of step-parenting. It is sorely, sorely needed.
