Thirteen years ago on NYE my nanna Jo-Jo died, three years ago on NYE PJ and I met at a party and on the subsequent two NYEs, we have taken part in the annual parade down the main street of our town. Here we are last night:

Our lovely friend, Ian Robertson who took the above photos, suggested PJ make a sign saying HERE COMES as HERE COMES EVERYBODY is something John Cage used to say and both he and PJ are John Cage nuts. (Incidentally, Cage borrowed the saying from James Joyce in Finnegan's Wake.)
A fabulous night all up. Happy new year EVERYBODY!
Happy happy new year to you, too, LOM, filled with many more posts as interesting and beautiful as this one - and as you are xx
That's wild. Joyce to Cage to country Victoria via lines of friendship and enthusiasm. Cyclical aspects of FW makes perfect for NY. Lovely blog BTW -- Happy new year!
I was a witness. The bestest, littlest, biggest, Float in this year's parade. Wonderful..
That is Brilliant.
Very Jaques Tati.
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