Saturday 1 November 2008

Product Placement

I love the taste of this water. I have often thought that maybe because it is sourced from a nearby spring it has all the goodness in it that my body needs to flourish. Our bodies are best when we eat locally grown seasonal food, so surely it's the same for local water?

I love the simplicity of the label and the fact it is bottled locally, and in glass.

When I was thirsty and on the go I used to buy water in a plastic bottle, refill it a couple of times then recycle it. This was before I learned about the toxins these bottles leach.

This was before I realised that although I may have been recycling mine, 65% of plastic bottles end up as landfill. 

This was before I read that 314,465 barrels of oil are used every year, just so Australians can drink water bottled in plastic.

This was before I moved up here where there are natural springs aplenty, and where Coca-Cola Amatil source the water for their Mt Franklin brand. Every day we see petrol-guzzling water tankers chugging to the bottling plant in Melbourne from local springs. 

This was before I found out that Coca-Cola pays $2 per megalitre of water they take, which is about 5c a tanker. 5c!!

This was before I read this quote by the American environmentalist Derrick Jensen: "If people will pay for water bottled in plastic they will suffer any indignity.”

This was before PJ became a water activist and made this film as part of his campaign:


claudia said...

Now you could take a look at the meat industry. It's far worse for us and the enviroment and uses lots more water, what a waste. Cheers Claudia.

eddy carroll said...


eddy carroll said...

Hope you are well( pardon the pun)
the water post was excellent.

We sell 'hepburn water' and water filters made of clay and ceramic!
Its so stupidly hard to get rid of the plastic drink bottle, but we
are giving it a good hard go at the elwood general store...we have
learnt the hard way to educate our customers S L O W L Y
good god, its hard, somedays its hard.

So heres Cheers to you (with a glass of mineral water) XX E

Unknown said...

I just got educated that little bit more. Thank you thank you. xxx