Wednesday, 28 July 2010

First Things First

There was his first day of school and then the first time he flushed the toilet and washed his hands without having to be reminded. There was the first time he said I love you to me and the first time he offered to set the table without being asked.

When I became a stepmother to Z four years ago, he was four years old and could already walk and talk, dress himself and put himself to bed.

It's not that I thought all of his milestones were behind him, but that all of the significant ones that make parents reach for their cameras had already been lived before I met him.

But then last night something happened. I walked into the bathroom where Z was running a bath, and there he was, casually leaning against the wall, his feet in the water, his head buried in a book.

A book! Not a picture book, or a school reader, but Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox.

"Don't forget to scrub your knees," I told him.

"Yep, I'm just going to finish this chapter," he replied.

I raced out of the room and called my mum.

"He's one of us!" I squealed.


Umatji said...

course he is! how lovely to have it confirmed though!

farmdoc said...

Go, Z boy! You're a star.

lizzie_fitz said...

this made my heart leap :) lovelylovelylovely!!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

what a beautiful post... and reading my favourite childhood book... boggis bunce and bean one short one fat one lean....

Doctor Plog said...

We are all Bookys!!!

Gerry Bobsien said...

...and then the glorious TWITS I would hope!!! this is the perfect post in so many ways. When are you going to write a book Meg? You have a way...

Xena said...

oh what a wonderful moment. I long for the day I experience such a moment with my own step child.