Thursday, 4 February 2010


Things are changing in the Land of Meg. For the next three years, PJ will be a student again, undertaking research for his doctoral thesis in the areas of ecology and poetics. Part of his research is to document our family's transition from being oil dependent to as self-sufficient as we can be in terms of water, energy and food.

Here is the nerdy student this afternoon building some small raised vegie beds along our permaculture swale.

He is lucky enough to be on scholarship for the duration of his studies, which means he won't have to work and I'll have to work a lot less, which will give us both a lot more time to work on our individual projects and a lot more time to work on nothing, together.


sarapirat said...

i enjoy peeking in here,how lovely to find a blog which shares so many similar interests. i also live out in the bush, on a little mountain more exactly, with a few happy chickens running around, goats, no tv, permaculture projects all around, compost toilet and D.I.Y experiments.

Doggerina said...

meg that's wonderful news. you two inspire me all the time.

Unknown said...

That's so cool!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

thats brilliant!! Our little town is a transtition town- getting ready for peak oil as we speak!

Umatji said...

well done you lot! I am so pleased and hope your blog might get tended along with your garden. The flowers of both please me.

Tricia said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! What a great topic to do a doctorate on.

and such an important and useful topic also. I imagine his findings will help other families transition to life less dependent on oil.

Enjoy! Its funny that your life will be his research :-)

Leigh @ Toasted said...

Hope something fantastic comes out of all that nothing. I read something once (can't remember where) that sitting under a tree and pondering is the most important part of gardening. This is where the best ideas come forth.

eddy carroll said...

I am so in love with the swale...its great!

Midwives For President; said...

i have newspaper clippings for P
What is your address?
Is your little artist residence finished me hugh & hermione would love to come stay and help you in the garden. And i want to find time to write on my blog again!

Meg said...

hi j and congrats again on the bébé!!

our address is PO Box 482 Daylesford 3460.

no, unfortunately our garden palace is not yet finished, but we are working on it — slowy building it as we earn the $$.

we would really love to meet H, so maybe a day trip??

hope you are all well.
